Jamie Riddell

James Riddell IV

Clinical Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Michigan Medical School

James Riddell IV, M.D. is a physician at the University of Michigan who specializes in Infectious Diseases. His main area of clinical work has revolved around the care of people living with HIV infection. His research has been clinical in nature and has focused on developing new antiretroviral medications through clinical trials, understanding the HIV viral reservoir as well as many other studies attempting to better understand how to improve clinical care for people with HIV infection. Most recently, he has worked on several projects in Mozambique in an effort to increase rates of HIV testing in rurual communities and improve antiretroviral adherence. Other projects have been aimed at decreasing HIV stigma in communities as well as health education around HIV infection. He teaches medical students, medical residents, Infectious Diseases Fellows, and provides continuing medical education to physicians. Dr. Riddell received his undergraduate degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology at Northwestern University and received his M.D. from Case Western Reserve University followed by Internal Medicine residency and Infectious Diseases fellowship training at the University of Michigan.

Recent work by James Riddell IV