State capacity and the development of the US
What was the role of state capacity in the economic development of the US?
Development in the 21st century
How can development economics respond to the challenges of the 21st century?
The long-run development impacts of agricultural productivity gains: Evidence from irrigation canals in India
Evidence from canals in India shows that labour mobility is a key adjustment channel to agricultural growth
Long-term effects of the Inca Road
Proximity to the Inca Road improved subsequent educational, development and labour outcomes, in particular for women.
Pooled procurement of drugs in low- and middle-income countries can lower prices and improve access
Centralised procurement by the public sector leads to lower drug prices, but the price reduction is smaller when the supply side is more concentrated
State capacity and development clusters
Evidence from 25 years of data shows countries form persistent ‘development clusters’ according to their levels of internal peace and state capacity
God insures those who pay: Formal insurance and religious offerings in Ghana
An experiment reveals that church members enrolled in formal insurance give less money to their church and to other charitable organisations
Informality and the effects of trade in developing countries
What are the effects of trade amidst a large informal sector? New research studies a model tightly connected to data on firms and workers in Brazil
Lasting effects of colonial-era resource exploitation in Congo: Concessions, violence, and indirect rule
Concessions granted to private companies to extract natural resources still have negative effects on present-day development in the DRC