Institutions & Political Economy
The past, present and future of development economics
How has development economics evolved over the past sixty years? How can we incorporate political, historical, and cultural contexts when addressing economic problems?
Reducing exposure to misinformation: Evidence from WhatsApp in Brazil
Deactivating multimedia on WhatsApp in Brazil consistently reduced exposure to online misinformation during the pre-election weeks in 2022, but did not impact whether false news was believed, or reduce polarisation.
The role of economics in promoting lasting peace
What are the key ingredients for curbing armed conflict and achieving a transition to lasting peace and prosperity?
Fear, more than hate, drives intergroup conflict in Nigeria
In the conflict between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria, fear (rather than hate) is the main driver, it is founded on misperceptions, and proves hard to change with policy.
Inspiring collective action to improve urban air quality in Uganda
Social competitions between neighbourhoods galvanise leadership and inspire collective action to reduce informal waste burning in urban Uganda
How conflict shaped social cohesion in Colombia
Conflict in Colombia, fueled by coca production, negatively impacted social cohesion, particularly in areas where militias dressed as civilians and where violence was intense
Leader spouses and informal influence in foreign aid
The birthplaces of the spouses of political leaders receive more than three times as much aid during the tenure of their partners than the same sub-national region would receive at other times.
Women’s microcredit groups empower women politically
Evidence from India shows that women’s microcredit groups stimulate women’s political participation by building their networks
Power-sharing institutions can mitigate violent contests for natural resource rents
Local elections in Nigeria may improve representation at the local level, contributing to a more peaceful resolution of contests for resources