Energy & Environment
Managing flood risk: Lessons from China’s Flood Detention Basin policy
Should we intentionally expose certain areas to higher risks to protect broader regions from disasters? Evidence from China suggests that although areas specifically designated to bear higher flood risk experience economic losses, the overall economic benefit-to-cost ratio can still be greater than one.
Emergency loans promote climate change adaptation and can be profitable for microfinance institutions
Evidence from a large-scale trial in Bangladesh shows that improving credit access in rural areas helped farmers adapt to flood risks without negative spillovers, and was profitable for microfinance institutions.
Designing environmental markets to incentivise conservation: Lessons from the US
How should policymakers design environmental markets when they might attract participants who were planning to conserve the environment regardless of the market?
Adaptation on the frontline of climate change
How are communities adapting to climate change? What can policymakers do to help them?
Food policy in a warming world
Governments often seek to protect domestic consumers following climate shocks to agricultural production, but these policies may exacerbate global losses.
Electricity shortages and unemployment in Africa
Electricity outages have a significant negative effect on employment in Africa
National policy reversals and deforestation in the Amazon
Evidence from the Amazon highlights the crucial role of policy continuity and political commitment to achieving sustainable conservation outcomes
Does rural electrification cause economic development?
The economic benefits of expanding electricity access likely do not outweigh the costs in small rural villages, but likely do in larger communities.
How do rural households in China adapt to extreme heat?
Cash savings and buffer stocks play a critical role in aiding rural households to cope with production losses caused by extreme heat