Economics for the left behind

Economics for the left behind


Published 17.07.24

Paul Collier discusses a vision for inclusive prosperity based on his experiences working in neglected communities


More information on Paul Collier's book "Left Behind: A New Economics for Neglected Places"

Paul Collier has for many years challenged the conventional wisdom of development economics, bringing our attention to the real-world impact of policies many of us take for granted. His new book is called Left Behind. It is about how some countries or regions in the world fall behind, and what we can do to help them recover. In this episode of VoxDevTalks, he talks to Tim Phillips about what causes a place to be left behind, the difficulty in stopping that downward spiral, and what the places that have recovered have in common.

The episode ends with Paul Collier's reflections on the evidence to policy pipeline, where and when giving economic advice is appropriate, and why the IGC model of co-creating research has been successful.