Agricultural technology
Do short-term contracts limit investments in training workers?
Employers under-invest in training their employees in general skills. Evidence from rural Burundi shows that while there are large returns to providing training, these are not captured by the employer who invested in it due to short contract durations.
Harnessing technology to boost African agriculture
How can policymakers promote technological progress in African agriculture?
The role of caste in agricultural technology diffusion
Local social structures, such as the jati-caste system in India, can play an important role in the extent of diffusion of new and beneficial agricultural technologies
Pricing and water conservation in Bangladesh
The prevalence of fixed prices can explain the low adoption of efficient irrigation technology, but incentivising farmers to convert to marginal pricing does not reduce water usage
Demonstrator selection, farmer field days and agricultural technology adoption in India
Training field days increase awareness and adoption of technology, irrespective of how the demonstrators are selected