Doug Parkerson

Researcher, Innovations for Poverty Action

Doug Parkerson serves as an internal researcher at Innovations for Poverty Action. His work focuses on extending promising evidence on the effectiveness of approaches to reduce poverty by conducting field replications and other research to move concepts from proof-of-concept to scalable programs and policies. His current research focuses on approaches to empowering citizens to monitor service providers and hold them accountable in East Africa and exploring ways to increase the cost effectiveness of poverty graduation programs. Mr. Parkerson has over twelve years of experience conducting randomized impact evaluations. Prior to his current role as an independent researcher, he oversaw IPA’s East Africa and Latin America regions and served as IPA’s Country Director in Uganda and in Bolivia before that. In those positions, he designed and managed dozens of impact evaluations and led policy dissemination events and trainings. Before working with IPA, Doug worked in the private sector for a securities trading firm. He holds an MA in Sustainable International Development from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. 

Recent work by Doug Parkerson