Ilse Lindenlaub

Ilse Lindenlaub

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Yale University

Ilse Lindenlaub is an Associate Professor of Economics at Yale and an EGC affiliate. She is a Faculty Research Fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a Research Affiliate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. 

Lindenlaub specializes in macroeconomics and labor economics. She develops economic theory and quantitative applications to gain insights into the allocation of workers to firms in the labor market and of spouses in the marriage market; and to understand the effect of this sorting on wage and income inequality, and how inequality changes over time and space, as well as over the business cycle. Her current research focuses on the implications of equilibrium linkages between the labor market and the marriage market, on the role of spatial sorting in spatial inequality, and on the analysis of multi-dimensional sorting. 

Recent work by Ilse Lindenlaub