Farmers hold false beliefs about the seeds they grow – and it matters for efficiency
With more inputs, improved crop varieties can yield more. But do Ethiopian maize farmers know enough about their seeds to optimise fertiliser use?
Applying insights from psychology to help farmers plan and save for the future
A participant-centred planning intervention, that prompted farmers to think through all potential income and expenditures using categorisation and labelling, leads to smoother consumption across seasons, more savings and higher farm yields for Zambian farmers.
Gender disparities reduce agricultural productivity in developing countries
The misallocation of women’s talent, due to barriers to entering non-agricultural work, leads to sizable productivity losses
Harnessing technology to boost African agriculture
How can policymakers promote technological progress in African agriculture?
Effective agricultural advice at scale: Evidence from India
Video aids tailored to their context and shown repeatedly can improve outcomes for hard to reach female farmers in India
Bundled contracts and technological diffusion caused the Brazilian soybean boom
Bundling technology and services enabled the soybean boom in the Brazilian savanna - migrant farmers in low-quality land gained the most from bundled contracting
Farm security and agricultural development
Crop theft is an understudied risk faced by smallholder farmers that may impose pervasive costs on farmers. New evidence from Kenya reveals the different ways that theft, and the fear of theft, constrain agricultural development.
Dominant buyers and rural development: Evidence from China
Agricultural markets in developing countries might be insufficiently competitive. A case study of cigarette manufacturer reforms in China casts new light on the adverse consequences of imperfect competition on rural poverty and economic growth.
The role of caste in agricultural technology diffusion
Local social structures, such as the jati-caste system in India, can play an important role in the extent of diffusion of new and beneficial agricultural technologies