loneliness and depression among the elderly

Depression and loneliness among the elderly in low- and middle-income countries


Published 19.06.24

Are the elderly more likely to be depressed? How does depression impact the lives of seniors?

Read "Depression and Loneliness among the Elderly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries" by Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Erin Grela, Madeline McKelway, Frank Schilbach, Garima Sharma and Girija Vaidyanathan here.

In developing countries, we know comparatively little about how well the elderly cope with problems like depression and loneliness. There are few policies to support sufferers, partly because of this lack of data. In this episode of VoxDevTalks, Maddie McKelway and Garima Sharma discuss some of the surprising revelations of a new cross-country study and suggest ways in which policy can improve the mental health of seniors.