Behavioural economics
How can behavioural messaging campaigns be tailored to reduce loan delinquency?
Text-based behavioural messaging can reduce delinquency, with the most effective messages either referencing social norms, or sent to individuals with higher socioeconomic status or higher credit scores
Trust versus loss aversion: Why does loss framing work?
A healthcare-based study suggests using loss-framed incentives can lead recipients to perceive them as more trustworthy
Intra-household and intra-personal constraints to women’s employment in India
Low self-confidence may keep women from persuading family members that they should enter the workplace, despite wanting to work themselves
Using behavioural economics in development policy
Can the burgeoning field of behavioural economics provide important insights into development issues?
Old habits die hard: Nutrition in India
In India, the main issue that people are facing is not a deficit of calories but it is a deficit in nutrients. How can this be changed?
Can climate change make us antisocial?
How is global warming likely to impact our behaviour and how we interact with one another?