Farmers hold false beliefs about the seeds they grow – and it matters for efficiency
With more inputs, improved crop varieties can yield more. But do Ethiopian maize farmers know enough about their seeds to optimise fertiliser use?
Building trust in the quality of fertilisers in Tanzania
A low-touch information campaign in Tanzania improved farmers’ confidence in the quality of fertiliser, leading to an increase in purchases
Customised information improves agricultural extension uptake in Nigeria
Digital tools with site-specific fertiliser advice and information on expected returns can increase farmers’ yields by encouraging fertiliser use
The impact of fertiliser management training: Evidence from Bangladesh
Simple, cost-effective ‘rule-of-thumb’ training on urea application may improve fertiliser management
Misperceived quality: Fertiliser in Tanzania
Evidence from Tanzania shows fertiliser quality is not the problem, rather it is farmers’ perceived belief of bad fertiliser quality that is
Quality doesn't speak for itself: Evidence from the Senegalese onion market
Agriculture market reforms that allow quality recognition enable farmers to capture higher prices and lead to adoption of better technology